
Challenge 1

Say 10 positive things in 10 days challenge

Will you take up the challenge? Say 10 positive things in 10 days! Be inspired to change meanness into friendCHIPS.

  • Brainstorm different types of positive things that you could say. For example, compliments, appreciating something that happened (I really enjoyed playing with you), thanking people for being Caring, Helping, Including, Positive or Smiling....
  • Create  a Say Something Positive Wall where you write sticky notes thanking someone.
  • Practice - Do a Say Something Positive Circle where you go around the circle, each person saying something positive to the person on their left.  Notice how hearing something positive or saying something positive made you feel. Then try the other way.
  • Create - Make up your own challenge to other schools to build positive relationships.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mount Nelson...we got your Friendship challenge!!

    Here's some of the positive things we said in 10 days on our blog:

    Thanks for the challenge - we really enjoyed it.

    We have a friendship challenge for you now!!

    -Dover 3/4
